My Story: A Journey from Shadows to Light

Before Anshu, the Coach, there was Anshu, the Victim. This is my Transformation Story.

My life began in the confines of a traditional, conditioned culture where a woman’s worth was tied to the success of her marriage, and divorce was a mark of failure. As a child, I witnessed my parents’ separation, an event that branded us with society’s stigma of abandonment and rejection. Carrying these scars, I stepped into marriage, hoping to escape the shadows of my past. Yet, fate had other plans. In my twenties, with two young children in tow, I faced my deepest fear: abandonment. My husband left, leaving me financially, emotionally, and spiritually shattered.

My Story

But as Rumi said, "The wound is the place where the light enters you."

It was through this gaping wound that light began to seep into my life. A long, arduous journey of struggle, rejection, realisation, and healing unfolded. Light entered, bringing healing and hope. During this transformative period, I met my soulmate – my loving husband, who embraced my children, my truths, and my scars, unconditionally. However, I still had battles to fight within myself – battles of acceptance, shedding the fear of shame, judgement, and criticism.

Today, after more than half a decade dedicated to inner work, breathwork, and mindfulness, I stand before you empowered, having released every conditioned belief and limitation that once held me captive.

No more holding back, no more denial, no more hiding in the comfort of victimhood. Today, I am free and reunited with my true self, liberated from the chains of my past.

I share my story not for sympathy, but to inspire and empower those still burdened by their history, those hesitant to unleash their true potential.

I invite you on a journey of transformation, freedom, and abundance. Let’s embark on this path together, towards a life illuminated by our inner light.



The wound is the place where light enters you.   ~ Rumi

A long Journey of struggle, rejection, realisation and healing followed; Light Entered. I was healing when I met my soulmate; my loving husband embraced me, my children, and my truth unconditionally. But I still had some acceptance to do. I was still hiding a part of myself, fearing shame, judgement and criticism. Today after more than half a decade of inner work, Breath work and mindfulness I am empowered and ready to let go of every conditioned and limiting belief that had been holding me back.

No more holding, No more denial, No more hiding behind the comfort of Victimhood. Today I feel free; I feel reunited with my true self.

I shared my story to inspire and empower those still carrying the burden of their past and holding back from unleashing their true potential.

I invite you on the journey of transformation, freedom and abundanc

My Story

Since my childhood I grew up with a sense of victimhood towards myself and resentment towards my dominating father. I carried the burden of his expectations and demands through regular punishments; however he always told me how much he loves me and wants best for me, I believed that undoubtedly. When my father was diagnosed with Parkinsons and dementia, I thought I would never be able to tell him how I felt all my life and the impact of his strict regime shaped my personality. Which also impacted my parenting behaviour towards my children.

This is when my transformation journey began, I did Breathwork, inner work and healing. Working with Breath consciously helped me to let go of the victim mentality, build self confidence, disrupt old limiting beliefs and eventually reclaim my true self back; a self which operates from an abundant mindset and experiences true freedom within


My Why: A Message of Forgiveness and Transformation

In my father’s final moments, as he lay in a coma thousands of miles away in India, I received a profound message. A friend told me that my father needed to hear something from me, something only my heart knew.

I called, and as the phone was placed near his ear, I spoke with a mixture of pain and understanding: “Papa, I used to feel hurt when you beat me, but I know now that you did what you thought was best. You acted with the knowledge you had at the time. I forgive you, please don’t carry any burden. You were a good father.”

As these words left my lips, I was told tears rolled down my father’s cheeks – a sign he heard my forgiveness. In a moment that transcends our understanding of reality, as soon as I hung up, I received a call. My father’s spirit had departed the moment I spoke those words of forgiveness.

This heart-wrenching experience was a turning point, leading me to my life’s purpose. It instilled in me the drive to become a conscious parenting and breathwork coach. My mission is to guide others in releasing their childhood wounds, grief, and resentments. By doing so, we can lead more conscious lives, fostering a harmonious and sustainable society, and ensuring that no parent or child experiences the regret and remorse my father held in his final moments.

This journey is not just about healing the past; it’s about shaping a future filled with understanding, forgiveness, and conscious love.

My Why

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In my father’s final moments, my father went into a coma; at this point a message came to me through a friend that my father is waiting and needs to hear something from me. In my heart I knew it and I called India and asked to put the phone on a speaker close to his ears. This is what I said to him.

“Papa you know I used to feel very hurt when you beat me up but I also know that you wanted the best for me and you didn’t know any other way. You did the best you knew at that time. I forgive you and please don’t carry any burden. You are a good father, you only did what you knew at that time”.

As I spoke these words, I was told my father had a few tears rolling down his eyes, which tells me he heard me. What happened after that is truly beyond the understanding of this physical reality. As soon as I put the phone down, my phone rang and I was told “papa’s spirit had left his body, the very moment I spoke those words to him”.

This profound experience helped me to find my calling, my purpose in life. I am on this path of conscious parenting and Breathwork coaching to help people in releasing their childhood wounds and traumas, long lasting grief and resentments so that they lead a conscious life and create a harmonious and sustainable society.


Some doors only open from inside, Breath is a way of accessing that door.

Some doors only open from inside, Breath is a way of accessing that door.

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